Peter's Hobbies

Created by Anne 15 years ago
Peter was actively involved with both the cubs and the scouts, and enjoyed taking part in camping, hiking, competitions, swimming galas, and badge work. In 1971 Peter was invited to go on the first ever Scout Cruise to visit Scandinavia. At first he did not think that he would be able to go, due to the high cost. However it was made known to Peter and his parents that not only did the leaders and organisers want him to go, but they also wanted him to be one of only seven from 1,090 who would represent the county, on behalf of the organisation. This involved Peter attending all sorts of functions before and during the cruise, such as meeting the King of Norway, Civic Receptions in Malmo, Copenhagen, Oslo and Gothenburg. There was an interview in local papers, interviews with local Radio London, and because of all this, money was raised from the scouts to enable him to go. Peter won many swimming gala certificates, starting as far back as 1967. Peter swam competitively, which took up a lot of his out of school hours. He belonged to the Greenwich Swimming Club and used to take part in training and competitions both at interclub level to county level, as well as competing in club competitions. Peter was always fairly successful at swimming, regularly winning medals and trophies. When Peter left the Greenwich Swimming Club he joined the Ravensbourne Swimming Club instead. Swimming was also something he tried to keep up with even after he joined the Navy. During this time he took part in inter ship competitions, waterpolo, and even took part in the first London Swimathon in 1985 to raise money for Help a London Child Charity. He also taught his children to swim from an early age. Peter continued his involvement with the Scouts when his own children became old enough to attend.
